About us.....

Abingdon Carbon Cutters is a Community Action Group formed to help reduce the carbon footprint of Abingdon in response to climate change, and to promote a sustainable and resilient lifestyle for our town as fossil fuel stocks decline. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at St Ethelwold's House, which is here.

At some meetings, we have guest speakers to present various topics, and at others we discuss our own personal actions to address climate change. The group has a focus on encouragement, both of one another, and of the town community.

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Our chance to stop a climate U-turn

You may have seen in the papers the government plans to backslide on green promises on coal power stations? Here's an easy way to let them know we are watching them. Put in your details and drop your MP an email.
Nicola Blackwood is committed to coming to our Eco Fair on October 9th so will welcome hearing from you. MPs need to be able to evidence how strong the local feeling is.
Do it now!

38 Degrees
In February Conservative and Lib Dem MPs backed our campaign to set limits on CO2 emissions
from new coal fired power stations. Thousands of us emailed our MPs, and we came within a few votes of winning in Parliament. Both Conservatives and Lib Dems promised that if they won the election, limits would be introduced in their new Energy Bill. But today it's being reported they are planning to break their promise. [1] We need to move fast to stop that happening.

Since the election, energy company lobbyists have piled pressure on the Tories and Lib Dems to do a U-turn. Unless we speak up now, the lobbyists are going to win and rules to reduce climate emissions will be dropped.

Together we can make the case for tackling climate change, and warn the government that caving in now after all the promises they've made would be a big embarrassment. A people-powered outcry will make Conservative and Lib Dem MPs realise how much damage a U-turn will do to their green reputation.

Click here to e-mail your MP and demand they support new rules to clean up new coal fired power stations:

At the moment energy companies can charge customers extra to pay for building new 'cleaner' coal-fired power stations. But there's no minimum standard for how clean these power stations should be. That's a bit like saying you want more efficient cars, but then forgetting to say how many miles per gallon they should actually do. We need new rules to make sure climate emissions really are brought down.

It's only 6 months since Lib Dems and Tories voted to make these rules part of the last government's Energy Bill. But now they're in power, the Conservatives have put these new rules on the backburner. We need to work together to put every single MP under pressure to support new rules to set limits on coal-fired power stations - if enough of us e-mail, we can make sure MPs don't let the bill go through without proper standards.

In February, people power nearly won - we came within 8 votes of cleaning up new coal power stations. If we work together again and put pressure on MPs of all parties to back proper standards this time around, we can make sure we get the rules we need to clean up coal.

E-mail your MP now to tell them to back proper rules:


Thanks for being involved,

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