About us.....

Abingdon Carbon Cutters is a Community Action Group formed to help reduce the carbon footprint of Abingdon in response to climate change, and to promote a sustainable and resilient lifestyle for our town as fossil fuel stocks decline. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at St Ethelwold's House, which is here.

At some meetings, we have guest speakers to present various topics, and at others we discuss our own personal actions to address climate change. The group has a focus on encouragement, both of one another, and of the town community.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

£99 insulation deal - and more

Dear all,

Please find below some information from the Energy Saving Trust about recently announced events and deals. You can also find this on http://climatex.org/articles/news/community-events-may/

1) New £99 insulation deal

2)Community Transport Project

3) Energy Auditing for Old and listed Buildings – Tues 25th May

4) Energy Auditing for Community Buildings – Tues 26th May

1. £99 Insulation Deal

For a limited period, local homeowners and private tenants can get cavity wall or loft insulation fitted for a standard price of £99 each. At this low price insulation pays for itself fast in reduced energy bills.

The Council’s £99 deal is subject to funding and is being managed exclusively by Cocoon, a long standing partner of the Council. You may have to pay more if your property is larger than average for the number of bedrooms, or access to walls or loft is restricted or extra vents are required.

To find out more, call 0800 8048 777 and ask for the ‘Oxon Deal’ or visit www.cocoonyourhome.co.uk

2. Transport Funding Available

An opportunity has arisen to secure £5000 of funding for a transport specific community based project. The judges are looking for original ideas in three areas:

Vehicles and Fuels, Smarter/Eco Driving and Reducing Car Use.

If you think your community has some good ideas or projects I would encourage you to apply.

Further info: www.lowcvp.org.uk/communitychallenge.

3. Energy Auditing for Old and listed Buildings

Sustainable Charlbury have arranged training by EST on Tuesday 25th May from 9.45 – 4.30 pm. You will need to be registered as Green Communities members before the course. You can do this by going to http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/cafe/Green-Communities/About-us/Become-a-Member-or-Update-Profile . There are a limited number of places available to external delegates and these will be offered on a first come first serve basis. Please fill out the application form which can be accessed here: http://climatex.org/articles/news/community-events-may/ and forward to greencommunities@est.org.uk. For further information please call 0844 848 0077.

4. Energy Auditing for Community Buildings

The Energy Auditing for Community Buildings will take place in Oxford on 26th May, led by an expert from EST Green Communities head office. There are 20 spaces available, and final details are presently being confirmed. Please email Mathew.Roberts@est-tvs.org.uk if you’re interested in attending, and he will email you final details and booking information

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