About us.....

Abingdon Carbon Cutters is a Community Action Group formed to help reduce the carbon footprint of Abingdon in response to climate change, and to promote a sustainable and resilient lifestyle for our town as fossil fuel stocks decline. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at St Ethelwold's House, which is here.

At some meetings, we have guest speakers to present various topics, and at others we discuss our own personal actions to address climate change. The group has a focus on encouragement, both of one another, and of the town community.

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Oxfordshire ClimateXchange update

Check out the fantastic number of meetings, groups and initiatives happening in Oxfordshire this Autumn! It's truly humbling (and not a little overwhelming). Hopefully we can be represented at most - do let other people in this group know if you are going to any particular one, and give feedback to the carbon.cutters@googlemail.com address so that it can go on the blog.

The latest news and upcoming events from ClimateXchange. Also available on www.climatex.org

A proper autumnal welcome to the ClimateXchange update – featuring your opportunity to invest in Low Carbon West Oxford’s share offer, and introduction to the numbers game – featuring 10:10, 350 and tcktcktck – in the Countdown to Copenhagen. Talking of which, the meeting hosted by Oxfordshire Climate Alliance on 3rd September saw an impressive turn out of 77 people representing over 35 groups across Oxfordshire – all discussing how we could work together to raise the profile of the importance of the upcoming climate talks in Copenhagen and beyond. Some Action dates have been planned (see events below), and there will be further opportunities to come together and discuss throughout the autumn.

Happy reading, and if you would like to contribute please email jo@climatex.org by 12th October


1.1 Wind Turbine

Oxford City Council has earmarked a potential site for a wind turbine, and aims to submit a planning application by 2011. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/oxfordshire/8210840.stm

1.2 Opportunity to invest in West Oxford Community Renewables Ltd (WOCR): A sister organisation to Low Carbon West Oxford (LCWO)

Residents in West Oxford have set up West Oxford Community Renewables Ltd (WOCR), a Green Building Society, to slash local CO2 emissions and help combat climate change. Shares cost £1 each and are available in groups of 10, 250, 1,000 or 20,000. All the share capital raised will be spent on community-owned renewable energy schemes in West Oxford.

The electricity generated by these schemes will be sold and the income used to fund community projects run by Low Carbon West Oxford, which will further reduce C02 emissions.

Anyone can buy shares for further info and to request a prospectus email lowcarbon.hotmail.co.uk, see www.lowcarbonwestoxford.org.uk or phone Lois Muddiman on 01865 203550. Come to the Event at Science Oxford on 23rd September (see below)

1.3 10:10 – have you joined up?

10:10 is a national drive by individuals and organisations to cut carbon emissions by 10% during 2010. 10:10 is a project from the team behind the climate blockbuster The Age of Stupid. Anyone can sign up to 10:10, from ordinary people, schools and hospitals to councils and government departments, from corner shops to high street banks and from scout troops to premiere league football clubs. Recent sign ups have included ClimateXchange, Oxford City Council, the NHS, the Cabinet…. Sign up today: www.1010uk.org

1.4 350.org - have announced October 24th as a Global day of Action http://www.350.org/ - there will be events in Oxford

1.5 tcktcktck is another global campaign focusing on Copenhagen – their Day of Action is 21st September – see Oxford events below, and check their website http://tcktcktck.org

1.6 IIED adaptation costs report
The International Institute for Environment and Development published research to suggest that the global costs of adaptation may be 2 or 3 times greater than previous estimates. The report can be viewed at http://www.iied.org/pubs/display.php?o=11501IIED, and some of the media coverage is at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/8224823.stm

1.7 Lightbulb campaigner in Witney - Richard Mackenzie has launched a one-man campaign to turn the lights out in Witney.


1.8 The wisdom of crowds - Climate change is inherently a social problem — so why have sociologists been so slow to study it? Kerri Smith reports.

Article in Nature:


1.9 And a question from the ClimateX website:

How do perceptions of Climate Change differ between age groups?

A researcher posted this question: Do you think younger or older people are more likely to take action to tackle climate change problems. It would be really interesting to hear you views and experiences? Thanks

Responses welcome here: http://climatex.org/forums/climate-change-in-media/58/


2.1 The Eco-transport resource: www.oxoncarts.com have just revamped their website – take a look – then take a ride!

2.2 New Movie: "In Transition 1.0"

We have high aspirations for this movie. We're hoping it can stand alongside movies like "Power of Community", inspiring people with stories of transition work going on right now in many places around the world. This is the solution-orientated movie to follow the films that do such a good job at identifying the problems, such as "Age of Stupid" and "Inconvenient Truth". http://transitiontowns.org/TransitionNetwork/TransitionMovie

If you think you’d like to screen it, contact jo@climatex.org – we could purchase a group licence.

2.3 New book: The Carbon Diaries 2015
It's January 1st, 2015, and the UK is the first nation to introduce carbon dioxide rationing, in a drastic bid to combat climate change. As her family spirals out of control, Laura Brown chronicles the first year of rationing with scathing abandon.

Joost Vervoort from the ScenarioCommunities project is conducting a short
bit of research on Oxfordshire's perspectives on the future and the
environment. It's a short test that should take people no more than five
minutes to complete, and it uses some interesting visual metaphors.
Participants can win a creative ZEN mp3 player.
There's also a trailer on the scenario storylines we're developing.

2.5 Oxford Garden Project: has now consolidated and formed a
social and community (not for profit) company with the aim of high
quality education concerning local food, its growing, distribution,
cooking and allied sustainability issues, offering training to
individuals, groups, social groups, volunteers and trainers.

To achieve this we plan to upgrade our established acre garden and 2,500 sq. ft. building in Longworth, Oxfordshire to provide a fully equipped multi-purpose teaching facility. Further info: Robert Longstaff: 01865 820206

2.6 Design teachers ahoy!

Interested in joining a Teach In about Ecological Literacy in design on the 12th October at the V&A. The Teach-In intends to function as a catalysing force within design education. .. and challenge institutions to use their
resources, expertise and skills to respond to environmental imperatives and work towards embedding ecological literacy in design education by 2012."
http://www.teach-in.co.uk/ please contact Jody Boehnert email: Jody@eco-labs.org

3. COMMUNIITES UPDATE.. there are so many events put on by the fantastic arrays of groups across Oxfordshire this autumn. Here’s a taste of past and future activity:

3.1 New Group in Fulbrook –

A small group in Fulbrook (near Burford) met recently to consider what practical steps we could take to focus attention on climate change in the village, and outlined three areas for the group to

1. Act as an information forum to help evaluate information about the causes and impact of climate change and potential remedial actions

2. Explore and comment on the efficacy of measures that might be adopted both individually (e.g. household insulation, waste recycling, etc.) and collectively (e.g. periods of reduced street lighting, possible formation

3. Seek to influence decisions made by outside agencies, public and commercial, that can affect the level of ‘energy use’ at a local level

Further info: Molly & David Woolley d.woolley@lineone.net

3.2 Sustainable Wallingford – Greening Wallingford

On October 10th Sustainable Wallingford is going to launch their ‘Greening Wallingford’ Campaign.

This involves getting as many households as possible, in Wallingford, to agree to undertake five simple Co2 reduction challenges for a year.

All the challenges have been given a Co2 and money saving allocation, by the Energy Saving Trust. We are providing every household with a Challenge Card, which they display in their window if they are undertaking the challenges & then we can count the cards & work out how much Co2 we have saved as a community. We have the town council, school, churches & several other community groups supporting us and each has taken on a challenge to promote at the Launch.

For more info see www.greening-campaign.co.uk

The Launch will be in the Regal Centre Wallingford from 2 -4 on Oct 10th. – other groups welcome to attend


3.3 Goring wins Oxfordshire Village of the Year

Goring won the Oxfordshire Village of the Year for 2009 last week, winning the Sustainability prize and the overall prize. It was the sustainability activities of GSSG including thermal imaging, removing plastic bags, allotments, car sharing, talks etc., and the clincher was the hydro-power project with the working Meccano model of it.


3.4 Transition Eynsham Bring and Share

On a warm and sunny Sept 5th Transition Eynsham Area held a bring&share local produce picnic at the Sports Pavilion. Approximately thirty people turned up, most bearing tasty dishes made mainly from local produce. The has recently formed four working groups: Waste; Coping with Change; Food, and Energy. These groups have started looking into how we as a community will cope with the changes brought about by climate change and by increasingly expensive fossil fuels (oil, gas and coal).


3.5 Brightwell Cum Sotwell’s Apple Survey

Brightwell cum Sotwell have conducted an apple survey of the village, finding approximately 250 apple trees. The village lies within 1 mile of Waitrose in Wallingford and 3 miles of Tesco in Didcot and we have 34 different varieties of apple; something the supermarkets could never compete with. They’ve got an apple day coming up on Sunday 18th October – see events below for further info.



Abingdon Carbon Cutters are launching four groups – aimed at practical action:

  • Energy Group: practical ways of helping people save energy; and how about a mini hydro in Abingdon? Contact: Richard at richard.riggs@iee.org Ab. 521931
  • Schools Group: helping to bring environmental issues into the curriculum ..... ecoschools Contact: Cliff at candpmarshall@btinternet.com Ab. 530480 Food Group: growing, harvesting, storing, eating, sharing, and not wasting food.Contact: Susie at susiehoward1@googlemail.com, Ab. 533278
  • Bike Group: Bike week and encouraging bike use; reducing car use, using buses, walking.Contact: Eleanor at eledanger@hotmail.com Ab. 531857



Sat 17TH October, West Oxford Community Centre – What could a sustainable Future Look Like? A packed agenda of talks and workshops: http://www.thrivingsustainably.org.uk/ - see info below.

And Sat 7th November – Oxfordshire’s Big Climate Event – where you can meet and learn from inspirational climate change groups in Oxfordshire.

Further info in the next update, organised by Oxfordshire ClimateXchange, CAG Oxfordshire, with the support of Oxfordshire Climate Action Network.


4.1 The Eco-buildings Open Days in Oxfordshire have been and gone. Details about the homes can be seen on www.ecovation.org .

4.2 Oxfordshire Eco-renovators Club

The Oxfordshire Eco-renovators Club will be launched at the beginning of October. Joining the club is free – all you need to have is a wish to progress on eco-renovation and a willingness to measure your energy savings as you do so. In return we’ll provide events, tools and access to expert info.

Want to find out more or sign up? Contact jo@climatex.org or see www.climatex.org/ecorenovation

4.3 Oct 23-25th – Big Green Home Show at National Self Build and Renovation Centre, Swindon. Full details: www.buildstore.co.uk/green

For budding self-builders, renovators or home improvers it brings
everything green together under one roof, enabling them to learn more about
making homes more sustainable - both in construction and day-to-day living.

Visitors can bring their plans to life with the help of a CAD design team,
take a tour of the EDF Energy Renovation House, get hands-on with product
demonstrations, check out hundreds of products, find out about project
financing and benefit from exclusive offers. They can also consult a raft
of experts to get tips and advice from architects and planners to eco
consultants, project managers and other self builders. They'll all be here
to share their experience, expertise and enthusiasm on every aspect of
sustainable building....and it's all for free.

4.4 A plug: – for more detailed Eco-renovation info and events, join the Oxfordshire Eco-renovation Mailing List. Email jo@climatex.org with ‘Ads to Eco-ren list’ in the subject heading.


5.1 10:10 director London

Are you an inspired, original and highly organised strategic thinker with a passion for fighting climate change and experience running a major campaign? 10:10 is looking for a DIRECTOR to capitalise on its hugely successful launch that saw thousands of individuals and hundreds of businesses and organisations pledge to cut their carbon emissions in 2010.

Applicants should send a cv plus 500 words memo on what 10:10 should do next to jobs@1010uk.org

Job URL:http://jobs.guardian.co.uk/job/907541/director-1010/

10:10 Deadline: 20 September www.1010uk.org


We’ve got loads of events coming up in the next 12 months.. and we need some helping hands. If you can offer between 2 hours – 1 day on a regular basis we’d love to hear from you.

Here are particular roles that need filling:

1) Oxfordshire Eco-renovation Project assistant

2) Big Climate Event assistant – to help coordinate the event and compile follow up materials.

3) One day only! Volunteers for the Oxfordshire Big Climate Event on Nov 7th

4) Plus eco-renovation Facilitators – see below

5) Events calendar updates – Uploading events onto the ClimateXchange website calendar – can be done from home in spare time

We can cover some expenses, and provide a workspace.

Contact jo@climatex.org / call 01865 275 856


also available on www.climateX.org/events


Sept 16 – 23rd Oxford Streets for People events: Plenty of events happening around the City including Divinity Road Area Residents Association - Close the street and show open-air films Evening of Saturday 19th September.. and Low Carbon Headington’s Car Free Day on Tues 22nd Sept Full list: http://oxstreets.org.uk/ (you’ll need to click on open Streets 2009, then Participation 2009 )


Sat 19th September The Low Carbon Community Network conference – Birmingham. The last conference in Wales was inspiring, this one looks set to be the same – and is much closer. For more info and booking, see their web page: http://lowcarboncommunities.net/2009/06/29/conference-booking-2009-now-open/


Sept 21st Worldwide Wake Up Call

The organisation Avaaz.org which campaigns on climate change and many other issues is organising a world wide 'wake-up call on Monday September 21 at 12:18 PM Place: Bonn Square, Oxford, OX11LQ, Oxford, United Kingdom Host: Paul Swift

Please think about attending. More info at http://www.avaaz.org/en/sept21_hosts/?cl=315222893&v=3912

The Global Wake-Up Call is a joint effort of the TckTckTck Campaign -- an alliance, named for a "tck"ing clock, of organizations and individuals around the world working for an ambitious, fair, and binding global climate treaty. More info: www.tcktcktck.org


Wednesday 23 September 7.30 pm

£3/Free to Science Oxford Live members

For the last year the residents of West Oxford have been competing to win £1
million of government money, by reducing their community's CO2 emissions.
Come and find out how they've got on so far. There will also be an
opportunity to buy shares in the project. Booking is recommended. For further information please contact:
rebecca.salvesen@scienceoxford.com 01865 810016
Science Oxford Live, 1-5 London Place, St. Clements, Oxford, OX4 1BD


Tues 29th Sept – Screening of ‘a time comes’
7pm – 8.15pm Oxford Town Hall
Contact:Pete Barker (Oxford Greenpeace)
Contact email: pbdelphiee@hotmail.com
Website: www.greenpeace.org.uk/groups/oxford

'A Time Comes' - The story of the Kingsnorth Six. An inspirational Nick Broomfield film about the Greenpeace action at Kingsnorth power station and the subsequent landmark trial and acquittal.
We plan to start the event with a short but hard hitting animation (10 minutes) about climate change and then the main film (20 minutes) followed by a short talk from our local group about taking action and what we can do.
Opportunity for Q&A and discussion after.


Weds 30th September, 7:00-9:30pm Age of Stupid showing in Kidlington
Following on from their recent eco-fair, Kidlington vs climate change are
now organising a showing of the new climate film starring Pete

At Exeter Hall, tickets for £3 (£2 concessions) including complementary
glass of wine. Limited places available - to book please contact
kidlingtonvsclimatechange@yahoo.co.uk or phone 01865 841146 (evening).
There will be an expert for Q&A afterwards for those who wish to stay

"Knocks spots off An Inconvenient Truth" The Ecologist "The first
successful dramatisation of climate change to hit the big screen" The
Watch the trailer here www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dTyTTFgluk


30th Sept 7.45pm Wantage Area Climate Action

Wantage Area Climate Action will be holding a short AGM on 30 September at 7.45pm in the King Alfred’s Head, Wantage, in the upstairs meeting room. All are welcome to attend. We will be electing new officers: Chair, Treasurer and Secretary, have a quick review over the activities over the last year and then have a brainstorm on ideas to focus on next year and play a climate change game!

Further info: culshaws@talktalk.net


Sunday 4th October 2009 1-6.30 pm Be the Change Workshop

Hopeful new perspectives and possibilities.

Join us for a workshop on Climate Change, Sustainability and Social Justice.

Attend the Be the Change Workshop and look at the biggest challenges and opportunities we face today:

• The state of our industrial world.

• Our impact on the developing world.

• Where we go next.

Featuring video insights from inspiring philosophers, scientists, community leaders and input from local people.

At: North Moreton Village Hall, High Street, North Moreton, Oxon OX11 9AS

Please register in advance with Sarah Mook: Email: sarah.mook@btopenworld.com 0780 829 4669 or 01235 516654

It’s free but a contribution for afternoon tea would be very welcome.


Sat 10th October, 2-4pm – Greening Wallingford Launch

Regal Centre Wallingford . See item 3.2 above


Sat 17th October Event: What could a sustainable future look like?

at West Oxford Community Centre OX2 0BT

A wide variety of expert speakers as well as local people engaged in sustainable initiatives will provide information, inspiration and practical advice on Peak-Oil, Energy descent, Transition and the Re-ruralisation of Britain.

* An inspiring and visionary community event towards co-creating our sustainable future.*

Lectures, workshops, stalls, information, organic wholesome food, music and more. Further info here: http://www.thrivingsustainably.org.uk/ or contact Michael Soth: thrivingsustainably@gmail.com 01865 725 205


Sunday 18 October Apple Day in Brightwell cum Sotwell –

12noon- 6pm Red Lion Pub

Each October many villages and communities take part in an Apple Day, a celebration of apple, orchards and local variety distinctiveness. Brightwell cum Sotwell, in south Oxfordshire, plan to hold an Apple Day at their village pub, the Red Lion, on Sunday 18 October.

Brightwell cum Sotwell, just one mile from Wallingford, lies in a fruit-growing line just north of the Berkshire Downs from Harwell in the west to Thame and Chinnor in the east. The Apple Day will showcase the impressive range of apples and orchards in the village. There will be a Sunday menu with an apple theme as well as an opportunity to taste traditional ciders, different apple varieties grown in the village, this season’s apple juice pressed locally, jams, chutneys, honey and more.

There will also be fruit swaps. Apart from apples, the village has many other fruits such as figs, pears, walnuts, quince, damsons, plums, medlars and cobnuts.


Orchard survey - Alison Bloomfield – acbloomfield@googlemail.com – 01491 835408 Apple Day – Sue Robson - Red Lion - www.redlion.biz – 01491 837373 – sue@redlion.biz


350.org International Day of Climate Action – For Oxford events contact communities@ousu.org


Sat Nov 7th – Oxfordshire Big Climate Event, Oxford Town Hall

Further info coming soon, but will involve workshops, skillshares and networking for the 40+ climate community groups.


For further info and to get involved, contact info@climatex.org

Email upcoming events to info@climatex.org or upload them yourself: http://climatex.org/whats-new/

Subscribe to this update by sending a blank email to: climatex-subscribe@climatex.org

Jo Hamilton
ClimateXChange Coordinator
Environmental Change Institute
Oxford University Centre for the Environment
Dyson Perrins Building
South Parks Rd
Oxford OX1 3QY
See our latest update: www.climatex.org/whats-new/
Subscribe to our fortnightly email updates : send a blank email to: climatex-subscribe@climatex.org

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