About us.....

Abingdon Carbon Cutters is a Community Action Group formed to help reduce the carbon footprint of Abingdon in response to climate change, and to promote a sustainable and resilient lifestyle for our town as fossil fuel stocks decline. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month at St Ethelwold's House, which is here.

At some meetings, we have guest speakers to present various topics, and at others we discuss our own personal actions to address climate change. The group has a focus on encouragement, both of one another, and of the town community.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Invitation to sustainable transport symposium 7th November

An Invitation to sustainable transport symposium, hosted by Oxford
University, Brookes University and Oxford Contemporary Music - 7th November
at 2pm

We'd like to invite you to an afternoon of talks from artists,
environmentalists, planners and composers around sustainable transport,
inspired by the composition 'Vauxhall Pleasure' (which will be performed at
the Holywell Music Rooms that same evening).

The symposium will be held at the School of Geography and the Environment,
South Parks Road, OX1 3QY. There'll be refreshments and looking at the
contributing speakers and artists, it promises to be a really good event.
We're co-hosting this together with Oxford Contemporary Music and Brookes

Could you register for the afternoon's symposium (3pm) by emailing
info@ocmevents.org or phoning (01865) 488 369? Please do circulate this to
anyone in your organisation who you think may be interested in issues of
sustainable transport (and art and performance...) in Oxford.

Hope to see you there!

OxTran Coordinator
Transport Studies Unit
School of Geography and the Environment
Oxford University
South Parks Road
(01865) 275986
079268 06698
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wednesday this week

A short notice reminder about two things that are happening tomorrow (Wednesday 21st October)

It's the monthly Carbon Cutters meeting at St Ethelwold's house - "How to measure your carbon footprint". It will perhaps be helpful if you can think about finding some of your utility bills and knowing how much you travel before the meeting....

Also tomorrow, the author of the previously reported free book, Saving Energy Without the Hot Air, the chief scientific advisor to the government department on Climate Change is speaking at Brookes, in Oxford. Prof David McKay is speaking from 6pm-7pm, so speedy cyclists might make it back to St Ethelwold's in time for Carbon Cutters at 7.30!

There's more information here.
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