A round up of recent news and activities, together with some upcoming eco-renovation events, including the ideal Green Home Show
, an open house event in Wallingford on 12th April, more eco-workshops from the SEED group, and some upcoming Open Homes this weekend across the Country. If you can help distribute leaflets / posters / e-fliers for the Ideal green Home Show, please email jo@climatex.org and I will forward you the relevant materials.
- Ideal Green Home Show
- Local Eco-renovation News, updates and events
- National news and updates
- New resources online
- Upcoming workshops
- Other Eco-renovation Events
Oxfordshire Ideal Green Home Show
Please circulate:
Friday 23rd April, 4-7pm, and Sat 24th April , 10am – 4pm
At: Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford, OX1 1BH
Oxfordshire’s second Ideal Green Home Show will take place at Oxford Town Hall on Friday 23rd and Sat 24th April.
- Over 20 local green building and renewable energy companies
- Technology introductions from local suppliers
- Presentations from local eco-renovators
- Updates about local grants and the recently announced feed in tariffs
- The opportunity to learn from people who have eco-renovated their homes
For further info about the stall holders and programme of talks, see www.climatex.org/ecorenovation / www.ecovation.org.uk or call Jo on 01865 275 856.
Suggested donation of £2 per adult for entry.
Organised by Oxfordshire ClimateXchange and the Climate Outreach Information Network (COIN), with support from Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council.
** Volunteers wanted for the show – if you could volunteer at least 2 hours of your time on either the Friday afternoon / evening or Saturday morning, you’ll get in free, and be plied with tea, coffee and biscuits. Please email Jo@climatex.org **
Full programme of events here: http://climatex.org/articles/eco-renovation/ideal-green-home-show/ .
- Eco-renovation Club events:
2.1 We had two well attended events in early February:
Solar thermal hot water (from Simon Banks and Jenny Chen WesTech Solar: ukoffice@westechsolar.com
2.2 Solid wall insulation
Ray Foulks talked through his interior and exterior solid wall insulation using Celotex high yield insulation board. www.celotex.co.uk. During the discussion the issue of damp and condensation arose, and David Watsham provided this useful information
Single Room Heat recovery ventilators
http://www.kiltox.co.uk/products/hrv.htm . They retail at £262.60 (inc. VAT) online and according to my source they cost about £9 a year to run (based on an elec cost of 11p/kwh). The payback is £1.31/week for each week you are heating your home, based on 86% heat recovery. So based on a heating period of 31 weeks you are contributing £31.61 to the capital cost and payback in just over 8 years. Online shop: http://www.i-sells.co.uk/kair-single-room-hrv-12v-ac-selv-standard . Here is a general link to Kair’s range of heat recovery ventilators: http://www.kiltox.co.uk/ventilation.htm
In addition to this it is probably worth knowing that if you seal your house up to prevent heat loss by convection then you still need to provide some ‘controlled’ ventilation to maintain a healthy environment. This is best done through a mixture of these SRHRVs and trickle vents, but there are other ways. The requirements for this are complicated but I am happy to talk to people about it if need be.
David can get hold of these and has the tamper proof tool required to install it. Hope this helps everyone.
David Watsham, Jigsaw Complete Building Projects Ltd http://www.jigsawcbp.com/ e: reachus@jigsawcbp.com t: 01235 884994 f: 01235 884995
2.3 Charlbury and DRARA events
In addition Charlbury have been holding events at their Farmers Market, and Divinity Road Area (DRARA) have held another event for their group:
“We had our second meeting yesterday evening, when we invited Richard Twinch, a local architect who advises people on energy efficiency (http://www.twinchdesign.co.uk/ ). He gave us a quite in-depth run through different approaches/ materials for insulating roofs, walls and floors, which was really informative and useful. One couple in our group are seriously considering having some external wall insulation on their semi-detached Victorian house in Divinity Road (they've already had a 'Passiv Haus'-inspired energy audit of their house, which revealed that they are losing 30% of the house's total heat through their conservatory - so are quite keen to take steps to tackle that!) Other, more modest, projects discussed last night included insulation on loft hatches, which is obviously something quite easy and straightforward that more people could, and hopefully will, do.”
2.4 Open Home in Wallingford Mon 12th April, 6-8 pm
This evening will take a whole house approach to show how a family home has been renovated with:
- solar hot water;
- rainwater recovery;
- underfloor heating;
- insulation;
- glazing systems;
- temperature control;
Venue: Wallingford, Oxfordshire
10 places available, sign up here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/G2J7P2M
This venue is not accessible by wheelchair.
- National News and Updates
3.1 Feed in Tariffs (or Clean energy Cashback schemes), will be introduced on 1st April this year for electricity generation. Read the low down here: www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/Generate-your-own-energy/Sell-your-own-energy/Feed-in-Tariff-Clean-Energy-Cashback-scheme
3.2 Local Micro-generation Coordinator
The local EST provider has a Micro-generation Coordinator : Ruth Wharton, ruth.wharton@est-tvs.org.uk , who will be able to answer your questions about Micro-generation and the Feed In Tariffs. She’ll also be at the Ideal Green Home Show to present the info and answer questions.
3.3 More announcements from DECC:
Government announcement on whole house funding
Further info: http://decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/news/pn2010_037/pn2010_037.aspx
Boiler Scrappage Scheme now closed to new applicants.
Further info: www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/news/PN10_050/PN10_050.aspx
Ecobuild online:
If you didn’t get to Ecobuild earlier in March, there’s a heap of information now online here: http://www.ecobuild.co.uk/ .
- New resources online
Thanks to some great volunteer work (thanks Mim and Sue), you can see a guide to some eco-renovation online case studies here:
We’ve also got hard copies of case studies available in a folder, so let me know if you’d like a copy for your community group / upcoming event.
4.2 New Case study: A terraced house in Minster Road, Oxford, gets a makeover. Read the case study here: http://climatex.org/articles/eco-renovation/case-study-minster-road/
4.3 New resource: Choosing Micro-generation suppliers
Thanks to Sue for putting together this guide for some questions and things to consider when choosing Micro-generation: http://climatex.org/articles/eco-renovation/choosing-micro-generation/
4.4 New web-page: Introduction to Energize Oxford.
4.5 New website: USEA
United Sustainable Energy Agency, the local Energy Saving Trust service provider, have launched their new website here: http://www.usea.org.uk/
On it you’ll find details of Cocoon, the insulation referral organisation – now with special deals for residents in West Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Council. You can read about the Sheep’s Wool Insulation that was delivered as part of Cocoon here: http://www.usea.org.uk/section/content/?pageID=36
5.1 New local product:
Lime technology: - Hemp Technology Breathe™Insulation http://www.hemcore.co.uk/insulation.htm?dm_i=DOB,3YUJ,1MVOUF,CBKF,1
5.2 Oxford Building Control surveyor – David Clayton
If you’re an Oxford Resident and are considering solar PV / solar thermal, please check with Oxford City Building Control, who have recently drafted some guidance. You can contact the Building Control Surveyor, David Clayton here: e.daclayton@oxford.gov.uk t.01865 252332 http://www.oxford.gov.uk/PageRender/decP/Building_Control_occw.htm
- Other Upcoming Eco-renovation events
6.1 Superhome Spring Openings: Open Homes events coordinated b y the Old Home Super Home network: http://www.sustainable-energyacademy.org.uk/get-inspired/superhome-locator
6.2 Ecoworkshops http://www.ecoworkshops.co.uk/
New workshops from the SEED group, who have delivered great Eco-Kitchen workshops:
Going Green: Re-inventing Family Homes & Lifestyles
This workshop is perfect for homeowners undertaking their own home redesign or briefing builders or Architects.
Use SEED-groups professional knowledge and years of experience to help inspire and inform your eco design. This is a unique opportunity to ask eco advisers questions; meet like minded people and build your network of sources and recommendations.
Price £65.00 Book this workshop by choosing a date below:
Jo Hamilton
ClimateXChange Coordinator
Environmental Change Institute
Oxford University Centre for the Environment
Dyson Perrins Building
South Parks Rd
Oxford OX1 3QY
t: 01865 275 856
e: jo.hamilton@ouce.ox.ac.uk